This page is very much "under construction" and, provided the man himself gets into gear, will change very dramatically! (We hope)

 PB's place










Template by Art for the web

Motorbike Art for TRUE BIKERS

Repairs and Customising.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here will grow a list of questions,..
some with very obvious answers but not apparently to those who asked them!

Q. "Can you re-spray the tank while I wait?"
  A. "You what?"

Q. "I've got a dragster,.. got any ideas to make me go faster?"
  A. "Yeah, get another bike mate!"






Please note
This page was put together with Rex's consent but with absolutely no input from him.
If the page fails to change/update in the near future. he's either killed the person responsible or he's so embarrassed,.. he's emigrated.
And there's more,..

"Rex could do stand-up comedy if he wanted, he just talks like that all the time anyway."

"The only thing Rex takes seriously is his art and even that makes me laugh sometimes."